
75th Anniversary 'Battaglia di Guadalajara'

YouTube clip of a ceremony held in March 2012 at Guadalajara, Spain, to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the battle between Republican Spain and the Fascist forces of General Franco, Mussolini and Hitler.

The clip features a message in Italian sent by George Venturini, one of our members, who has written an account of the Italian International Brigades from Emilia-Romagna and Australian International Brigaders in The Last Great Cause.

EpaolGuerra civile di Spagna. Brihuega, plaza San Felipe. Giorgio Venturini, un combattettente italiano del Battaglione Garibaldi, commemora dall'Australia i caduti repubblicani attraverso la voce di Almudena Cros e le immagini di ANPI SPAGNA