
Sovereign Union - Questions and Answers

Ref Question Answer
2 Is it the Sovereign Union's agenda to pursue Domestic sovereignty? No! Sovereign Union is not pursuing domestic sovereignty. We are asserting sovereignty and in doing so will apply to the United Nations (UN) and other countries to recognise us at the international level.

If the Australian Government seeks to Treaty with us as independent Nations, then what we successfully negotiate as an outcome will be a Treaty recognising and agreeing to certain rights that will be embodied within the Treaty. Then we can 'unite' as a single Australian 'Nation' with all our negotiated rights recognised in law and registered with the United Nations.

Further on this point Sovereign Union will recommend to all who seek to head down this road - We say that each Nation must have a seat in the parliament of Australia, at least at the Senate level.

Posted: August 28, 2012
3 Did individual Aboriginal people who signed Native Title deals, cede their sovereign rights over that parcel of land to Australia Corp?

i.e. They agreed they were Australian Citizens to sign that Native Title deal. They went into a deal acknowledging that Australia Corp had the right to grant Native Title to them (denying their own sovereignty). Have they disqualified their voices as members of their Sovereign Tribe?

In relation to these questions it is imperative that people understand that: Signing any agreements with the government will dissolve their sovereign interest.

It must be noted that any agreements signed without a clear definitive clause that states that any agreement(s) is NOT to be seen as Acquiescing or recognising the Superior status of the Australian Government.

A clause must be included that the agreement(s) are not to be seen as 'ceding their sovereignty'. It is advised also that a further statement be made that they sign the agreement(s) "under duress", in order to protect their 'inherit cultural and spiritual rights to and over their country'.

It cannot be emphasised enough that any agreement(s) signed without these caveats will be a recognition of the superior status of the existing state.

Aboriginal people must always include caveats of the nature that I speak of, if they wish to maintain their sovereign status.

Posted: March 5, 2013
4 If the Queen severed ties with Australia, what happens to the land that was transferred to her or that the crown claimed?

I found this Govt Gazette from 1977 - the second page has land transfer in WA under the Land Transfer Act 1983.

All lands classified as 'Crown Lands' were divested to the Australian State and Terrirtory Governments. They all now have carriage and responsibility for lands known as crown lands.

There is a strange legal arrangement that we all must look at. In most of the land leases that are known as crown leases the lease is with the Queen in name and NOT the State or Territory. If anyone can tyhey should look at their lease and check for themselves who is classified as the owner and who you are renting the land from. This includes all farmers who lease lands. This does not include privately leased land from a person like a house in the town, with the exception of crown leases within the townships. You will see this if you know that you are leasing Crown Land.

Posted: March 26, 2013
5 I was just wondering if land ownership will be included in a Treaty. My mob are trying to gain info around this subject. Land Rights will be one of the central themes for any settlement - be it a Treaty or any other. Any settlement without land rights and ownership of the resources will not be a settlement of any kind.
Posted: March 26, 2013