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Archives March 2015

APY food showpiece becomes a ghost town - litigation possible?

Watarru Community

This is an analysis of "APY food showpiece becomes a ghost town" written by Michael Owen and published in The Australian 27 March 2015. The Watarru First Nations Community is in APY Lands in north west South Australia which sits at the foot of Mount Lindsay and the community has at times been known as "Mount Lindsay" - A market garden offered hope to the young community members, but it was defunded by the government and closed down before it was properly established, leaving everyone confused and hurting. [node:read-more:link]

Anatomy of Racism in Australia 2015: Reading between the lines

God Save The Mining Billionaires

This is an analysis by Megan Bliss of "Aborigines must face up to the hard question" written by racist Gary Johns and published in The Australian 24 March 2014. Comment is given for the purposes of education and understanding, to speak up for the truth, to act, because history tells us that evil reigns while good people do nothing. The writer deliberately used an racist terms, patronising attitudes and tried to conveys disrespect towards all First Nations Peoples and encouraged the readers to accept his negative slant. [node:read-more:link]

Calls for First Nations historical artefacts in British Museum to be returned

The British Museum’s decision to loan rare aboriginal artefacts to the National Museum of Australia has sparked accusations of cultural insensitivity and threats of legal action from indigenous community leaders in Australia. The objects are to be included in an exhibition, Encounters, which set to open at the British Museum in April before touring to Australia six months later. The objects in dispute are three pieces of bark art – a shield, an emu carving and a scene the British Museum believes is of a kangaroo hunt. [node:read-more:link]

Rinehart and shale gas companies licensed to frack Indigenous and Pastoral Land

Fracking in the NT

The NT gov't has just granted permission to frack significant parcels of 'Country', including the iconic Bitter Springs region and surrounding Elsey Station, to a subsidiary of billionaire resources giant Gina Rinehart, Jacaranda Minerals. The deal comes at a time when the NT govt's recent Hawke Inquiry into the controversial process of hydraulic fracturing or 'fracking' confirmed that effective laws and regulations governing the shale gas industry were not yet in place, but it continues the granting licenses. [node:read-more:link]

Nigel Scullion defends plan to 'buy' Indigenous jobs with $10,000 financial sweeteners

This 'cash for mining' is part of the plan that Tony Abbott, Colin Barnett and Twiggy Forrest have slowly been putting place for the past two years. A plan for government to hand out large sums of money to the big mining companies and forcing Aboriginal people into the mines. With displaced people from the forcing Homeland community members living on the streets allows the government to force them into work at the big mines or starve. This plan also includes government money for training Aboriginal prisoners in mining skills. [node:read-more:link]

Videos - SOS Forced closure of Aboriginal homelands - Smoking, March & Speeches - Canberra

Here are the videos of the Canberra gathering, smoking ceremony, speeches and march. The speakers were Senator Rachel Seiwert (Greens), Nova Peris (Aboriginal Labor MP), Alice Haines (One of the key SOS Global organisers), Ghillar Michael Anderson (Sovereign Union), Nicole Culbong (Perth), Shaun Harris (WA), Gerry Georgatos (WA), Rod Liddle and Hamid Bin Saad (Kimberley). Stop the Forced Closure of Aboriginal Communities was an Australia wide rally and online event with international support. [node:read-more:link]

It's OK to discriminate against First Nations people: 27% of Australian people

Indigenous actor Greg Fryer

An advertising campaign that explores the casual racism of Australians towards Indigenous people has been viewed more than 3.75 million times, but 20 per cent of respondents to a beyondblue survey still think it is OK to discriminate against First Nations people. It found Western Australia had the highest levels of discriminatory attitudes towards the first Australians, while 41 per cent of respondents in NSW said that "they were given an unfair advantage by the government". [node:read-more:link]

Senate inquiry: First Nations funding, confusing, fractured and racist

Aboriginal Funding

The government’s latest funding round has been accused of preferencing non-Indigenous providers and leaving many services unsure about their future. The Senate has supported a motion calling for an inquiry into the rollout of funding under the Indigenous advancement strategy, which has been described as confusing, fractured and systemically racist. WA Greens senator Rachel Siewert moved for the Senate finance and public administration references committee to examine the program’s tender process. [node:read-more:link]


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