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Sovereign Union - First Nations Asserting Sovereignty
Asserting Australia's First Nations Sovereignty into Governance
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West Papua - Freedom Flotilla
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Media Releases
Gross Abuse
Assimilation & Oppression
Media Releases & News
SU Media Releases
UN Symposium Global Issues
Hypocrisy for First Nations
Blak Sovereignty Movement Brisbane meeting
Tjurkurpa Declaration
Referendum Pitfalls
Beads and Blankets
Labor avoids Treaty Process
Voice threatens Sovereignty
“Help Us Bury Our Dead”
The elephant in the room
Agenda- 50th Anniversary Aboriginal Embassy
Keith Windshuttle's attack
Voice and State Treaties
NAC Briefing of Draft 1984
Where there’s smoke there’s fire
50th Anniversary Agenda
50th Embassy - shaping future
Confusion and Frustration
Colonial Assimilation Tricks
Embassy 50th Anniversary
Attempted second dispossession
Mind the State Treaty Trap
Frontier Wars March,
NAC's 1980s Treaty framework
Sovereign Voices - v - Co-Design
Statement from the Heart Entrapment
Dispossession by archaic tenure
First Nations Law Council
WA's Native Title Corruption
Pathway to Total Assimilation
Voice Treaty Truth - Historical Background
March 2019
Fraudulent Land Dealings in WA
Timber Creek Redress
First Nations Water Owners
Fraudulent land dealings in WA
Lands of Poverty and Devaluation
WA Homelands closed down
MDBA Water management
Reparation: Truth of invasion
No treaty valid if t war
Preparing way to sovereignty
Treaties ... and the Yulara Statement
How Native Title backfires
Land Councils & Etc
colonial strings of control
Kimberley Land Council & Sovereignty
David & Goliath Challenge
Australia – A Failed State
Frontier Wars March Invite
Frontier Wars march
Australia's double standards
Australia – A Failed State
British/Australia genocide
Close gap apology band-aids
Genocide and land grab
Dangers of a single Treaty
No Independence Day
Denial of contested sovereignties
Family Matters national crisis
Native Title: Deceptive Trickery
Makarrata v Treaties
Native Title Act - 'Art of War'
Treaties with occupying States
Ref Council concedes No Consent
SU - Who Is Fighting Who?
Songlines can bring us home
Dare to be wise Letter
Exposing defamation – truth prevails
Personal attacks: Statement of Concern
Truth always prevails
Benefits of NBAN Treaty
Formal Complaint: National Convention
NBAN Treaty signing
Referendum Council Trickery
Referendum: Wrong legal advice
Treaty Nations of the NBAN
Australia: UN Human Rights council
Cenotaph of Frontier Conflicts
Beware of the enemy within
First Nations Renewables Alliance
Referendum 'Dialogue' fatally flawed
Movement squashes 'Recognise'
1, 2, 3, Sovereignty, it's that easy
Governor Notice re Invasion Day
Historic Invasion Day March
It's illegal to celebrate Genocide
Block Native Title Amendment (ILUA)
Invasion Day Call Out
Report on 2016 Gathering
Relevance of Pope’s Apology
Climate Conscience Summit: Anderson
Feedback from Climate Summit
NSW Biodiversity legislation
Sovereignty on International agenda
Time for Decolonisation
Treaty Treaties UDI Recognise
Australia not signatore to UN Torture
Overcoming oppressors' brutality
Gomeroi: Assert our Sovereignty
Gomeroi Native Title claim (2)
'Australian' govt legitimacy?
Frontier Wars Remembered - ANZAC Day
The ILUA treachery
'R' - Fund the 'No' vote.
Astronomy parallels Einstein's theory
Indigenous Estate Mirage
Referendum Council Round 2
Lack of veto against mining
NSW Land Council election irregularities
Timely Gathering of Nations
Queen got no right here.
Treaty, Sovereignty and Republic
UDIs on agenda at Gathering
A call for solidarity
Recognition: Why the deafening silence?
Recognition:Abbotts Hitler type moment
'Expert Panel' secret meeting
March over Sydney Harbour Bridge
Sovereign Union Organisational Structure
Decolonisation - Constitution
Sydney protest against assimilation
Reparation needed to 'move on'
APY Homelands Report
Pearson push to the right
ugly scenes at ANZAC March
In defence of land & freedoms
Letter to UN: - Forced closures
Global Day of Action
Refugee Camp: Letter to UN
Aboriginal Sovereign Manifesto of Demands
Call for justice: 'COAG Working Group'
Governments trying to counter Sovereignty
Resistance to constitutional 'recognition'
Freedom Ride back on track
Re-enactment running off track
Raid on the Redfern Embassy
Ethnic cleansing since 1954
Gathering of Nations Report
Freedom Summit Communiqué
Summit: Leadership the challenge
Expanded doctrine of terra nullius
Anderson honours Gough Whitlam
Chaney: Undermining our struggle
First Nations people are being crushed
Time does not erase murder
UN Charter doesn't apply to Australia
Euahlayi take fight to Supreme Crt
Euahlayi's subpoena 'oppressive': Supreme Court
Unite for the common cause : Sovereignty
Independance under law & custom
Invasion Day 2014 - Message
Legal Aid budget cuts denies justice
Aboriginal Law must sit on top
Additional Agenda Items for Gathering
Sovereign Union and Our Political Future
Sovereign Union moves forward - 3 Nations already declared their independence
2013 Gathering of Nations in Canberra - Agenda
Abbott's expanded terra nullius
Gathering: All Nations November 2013
SU Freedom, rejecting assimilation
UN symposium report - next SU meeting
Euahlayi Nation asserts Statehood
Rates Case back on track
UN Abassadors letter: Freedom Flotilla
Gomeroi Coal Mining Protest
Indigenous Land Under Attack
Stealing our sovereign citizenship
Anderson challenges Professor
Brisbane Treaty Talks
Don't sign ILUA's - soverignty
Fight against homeland rates
Canberra Centenary Alert
Canberra Centenary alert
Serving objection to Crown
'Act of Recognition' alarming
Apology: An empty promise
Media Release 25Feb13
Congress event is not ours
Peris-Kneebone 'steamrolling'
SU - Our Political Future
SU response to Malezer's Alert
Howard's 10pt plan revisited
Urgent letter to UN
Recognition only: An insult
2nd letter to UNSC
Appalled by UN vote
Deny Australia UNSC seat
Trying to buy UN seat
Donations needed to challenge sovereignty
Sovereign Union is inevitable
Time to negotiate treaty
Undermining sovereign unity
Post Moree Gathering
SA gov't ignores Letters Paten
Constitution reform is not reform
Goomeroi rental strike
Mabo judges no justice
Official Foundation outcomes
Call for UN peacekeepers
Trafficking in Communities
Woolworths conceded to activism
ANZAC Day for all wars
Brisbane Embassy - Statement
Frontier wars remembered
Sovereignty on the agenda
Open letter to the PM
Force used to suppress movement
Australia is in a conundrum
Supports for Nyoongar Embassy
Government must talk to us
Meetings across Australia
Aboriginal and White Australia
Constitutional reforms fraud
Who cut 'her heirs & successors'?
Defining phase of struggle
Michael Anderson in London
Sovereignty: London statement
Sovereignty into Governance
Courts ruling against Aborigines
Court questions jurisdiction
Crown owns nothing
Watch for UN rip-off
Pay the rent will be heard
First Nations suppression
Aboriginal mineral rights
The constitutional committee
The Sovereignty Revolution
Challenging govt. corporation
Judgment questions jurisdiction
Australian Leaders challenged
NT Nuclear Waste Dump
Talk or expect tsunami
Gooda: maintain status quo
General Statements
Sovereign Treaties: International Law
Walkout Statement from Sacred Fire
Proclamation (with video Readings)
UDI's Explained
What is 'Decolonisation'?
Uluru Statement from the heart
Sovereign Manifesto of Demands
NO CONSENT to Recognition
Submission on ILUA Amendment
Uluru Statement video testimonials
Uluru Statement grassroots videos
Complexity of Treaty and Treaties
Understanding Treaty & Treaties
Official SU Meetings
2016 Gathering Agenda
2017 Sovereignty Workshop
SU Official Gathering 2016
Information and Eligibility
Videos - 2016 Gathering
Terms & Conditions
Alternative Camping Site
SU Official Gathering 2015
SU Official Gathering 2014
National Assembly 2012
Sovereign Union Foundation
Day 1 - Symposium Agenda
Day 2 - Formal establishment
Foundation Meeting outcomes
Official call for delegates
Images, Videos & Audio
Image & Video Gallery
Maori Sovereignty Videos
Sovereignty Conference - Listen
Moree Meeting 2012
Moree Gathering - Report
Moree Gathering - Agenda
Moree Gathering - Images
'Sovereign Union' formed 1999
Event Flyers 2012 - 2016
Sovereign Union Menu
Self Governance
SU Organisational Structure
Euahlayi Peoples Republic
Euahlayi declares independence
Media Articles
NIT Article - August 2013
Euahlayi appoint Provisional Council
Murrawarri Republic
Murrawarri Republic Articles
Queen Recognises Republic
Murrawarri Republic declaration
Claim renews campaign
First State Council Meeting 2013
Interview: Murrawarri Republic Chair
Murrawarri Media Release June '17
Refused entry to ANZAC march
International Press
A Bold Legal Push: 'Time' magazine
Canada: 21 days to respond
Canada: Murrawarri declaration
Indigenous Cry - Murrawarri Republic
Italy: Birth of Republic
Italy: New state - Old problem
USA: Murrawarri from Downunder
Audio - Murrawarri Republic
Murrawarri Republic Image Gallery
Video - Youtube Reports
Mayarra Nyalalji Emblem - Public Notice
Yidindji Sovereignty - Public Notice
Fez Universal Climate Conscience
International Solidarity
AMANDLA-GAAPP Assemblies of Afrikan Power
Chagossians removal from homelands
First Nations worldwide
Radio Africa - The Sovereignty Movement
Statement of Common Purpose (ICPF)
Canada: Ditching the Papal Bull
The Indigenous Rights Risk Report
Tutu: Rights of Aboriginal Peoples
USA tribe's win $186m lawsuit
United Nations
UN 2nd Symposium June 2015
UN push causes anger
Treaty - Treaties
Sovereign Union Articles
Makarrata vs Treaty
Sovereign Treaties
'That Word' Treaty
Treaty - Recognition - Sovereighty
Treaty, Sovereignty & Oz Republic
Djurin Nyoongar Treaty
Treaty Makarrata reflection
Murray Darling Basin Treaties
Sovereign Treaty is the only reform
Sovereign Treaty only Reform
Treaty, Sovereign & 'Recognition'
All other Articles
Maori didn't cede sovereignty
UN calls for Treaties
NZ - Treaty not Enough
Identity starts with a Treaty
Human Rights Law Centre
Making Space for justice
The Treaty Project
NT 'Barunga Agreement' opposition
Recognition: Poor man's treaty
Tasmania calls for Treaty
General Principles of Sovereignty
First Nations sovereignty defined
The Sovereignty Debate
Sovereignty into Governance
Reform: Practicing sovereignty
Sovereignty after Mabo
What about Sovereignty?
Current sovereignty debate
Sovereignty protest Qld
Research papers & Theses
Sovereignty never ceded -thesis
SA sovereignty challenged
Rosalie Kunoth-Monks leads the way
Pacific Islanders Act 1875
Protection Act, 1875 doc
Aboriginals Sovereign: Queen
'heirs & successors' deleted
Asserting Aboriginal Sovereignty
Aboriginal rights then & now
Michael Kirby Oration
Academic Paper : Songlines
John Howard recognised sovereignty
Queen Victoria: Crown owns nothing, Aborigines sovereign
Rejecting 'recognition'
Yingiya Mark Guyula Speach
New Way Summits
Canberra 2010
Summit calls for new way
Overwhelming Interest in NWS
Summit - Day 1 Report
Summit - Day 2 Report
Summit - Day 3 Report
Summit - Draft Agenda
Canberra 2011
Canberra Summit 2011
Sovereignty - Easter 2011
Melbourne 2010
Melbourne - First Notice
Still shackled captives
Agenda & Speakers
Summit Invitation
Summit to expose media lies
Sydney 2010
Summit Sydney May 2010
Sydney Summit - Report
Overview of Decolonisation
Decolonise - Dare to be Wise
What is a UDI
Yes/No included in Constitution
Black line is drawn
Manifesto of Demands
Self-Determination and Sovereignty
Decolonisation Feedback
Decolonisation: Invaders Constitution
Australia: UN Questionnaire
Law against Genocide Bill
Rally: 'Let us go Home'
Ray Jackson: 30 years of light
Special Features
During Invasion
1788-2014 Invasion to Resistance
'The condition of the natives' 1905
Mapping QLD massacres
Cooks Instructions & Diary
Whites & Blacks during the colonisation in the late 19th Century
Australia's history of slavery
Dad 'n Dave - The Qld killing fields
Treatment of Aboriginal Prisoners
'Conspiracy of silence' blood baths
British Parliament Report 1837
Aboriginal Smoke Signalling
Carved trees Western NSW
Habitats and Villages pre displacement
Bennelong and Yemmerrawanyea sing
Joseph Lycett's art 1815 - 1822
Maru patch burning
Cultural appropriation in Theatre
Tintype portrait of Aboriginal woman
Horrors of North West WA
Ignorance & Racism
Coranderrk: Farmers & Market Gardeners
Sydney built on an Aboriginal city
Aboriginal 'circus' carted overseas
Post Invasion
Stolen Remains and Collections
The Bone Collectors
Remains returned to Tasmania
Artefacts destroyed in 1882 fire
Burning the dirty secrets
British Museum's curiosities battle
Artifact collection destroyed by fire
Kitty Wallaby: Dreamtime & colanisation
Improve heritage management
Unlock secrets of rock art
Kurlpurlunu found in Central Australia
Forgotten' Woolwonga tribe for 130 years
First Nations rock art is at risk
Language diversity threatened, study
Languages Treasure trove
Pressure to lose values and culture
Languages reveal scientific clues
Ignorance & Racism
Father of the Stolen Generation
Aboriginal counting myth won't go away
Pleading letters to 'Protector'
1926 plan for an Aboriginal state
First prisoner abuse inquiry 1905
Legalised slavery: hidden reality
The second dispossession
Rottnest Island internment camp
Meston's 'Wild Australia' Show 1892-1893
Stolen Wandjina: Cultural Appropriation
Whitefellas destroyed our bible
Fraser Island Death Camp
Bogimbah Creek mission Queensland
70 graves found on Fraser Island
Intervention to kill self-determination
Ongoing Warfare
Pre Invasion
9,000-year-old stone houses
Languages & Dialects around 1788
Tasmania: A Timeline of the History
Another Economy in Australia
Out of Australia - Not Africa
confirmation of genetic antiquity
WA's Mid West History 30K
'Australian' peoples were first Americans
How First Nations saw the Stars
Ice Age struck First Nations people hard
Kimberley paintings could be oldest
Misunderstand First Nations science
Sea-Level recorded
James Cook's Secret Instructions - 30 June 1768
Trading & Hospitality
More proof of early foreign trading
Bead currency first export industry
Colonial abuses: Water transport
Pre Invasion Castaways
Landcare, Science, Agriculture
Aboriginal history sea levels
Ancient Fish Trap - Outback NSW
Australia's first farmers
Indigenous Agriculture Evidence
Firestick farming for 140,000 yrs
Dark Emu book rewrites history
Research: migrated palm trees
Science: First Nations fermentation
Captain Cook
'Over Cooked'
Cook, Fake News and Admiralty
Evidence Questions Discovery
Cook and Banks Journals
The Frontier Wars
Memorial Marches
Canberra 2016
Frontier Wars Memorial March 2916
Canberra 2015
2015 March/Confrontation
2015 Pre-March
Canberra 2014
Black Diggers buck the given history
Canberra 2013
Undeclared wars remembered
Canberra 2012
ANZAC day for all wars
Frontier wars remembered
Mainstream Media
Anzac Day march in peace
Why our Wars on Anzac Day 2014
Frontier Wars Anzac march plea
March labelled 'disrespectful'
Protest recalls Aboriginal dead
Gov't $100m plan for Gallipoli
Canberra 2011
2011 ceremony and March
Melbourne & Canberra 2012
The Frontier Wars
Anzac Gathering 2012
Aboriginal servicemen honoured
1905 Report WA's North
Anzac Day Videos
Battle for FF memorial
From invasion to resistance
Frontier Wars Remembered 2016
Image Galleries
Invasion & Sovereignty
Invasion Day Callout for 26 January
Memorial ignores frontier war
The Freedom Fighters
Truth about the Gulf country
Articles & Research
'The Forgotten War'
Tasmania's Black War
Light shines on dark heart
Frontier Conflicts and Wars
National Day of Shame
School curriculum 'No Wars'
Reconciliation and the history wars
The Freedom Fighters
Victoria's silent shame
The Rufus River Massacre
Wurundjeri: Battle of Yering
Massacres Memorial WA South East
Genocide: Nuclear wars
Smallpox biological warfare
Yagan statue - Perth
Ancestors search leads to Massacres
Flying Foam Massacre
Commemoration Statues
Freedom Fighters
Freedom Fighters - Victoria
Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheneer
Melb Council paying for memorial
Victorian Freedom Fighters
Dundalli (1820–1855)
Dundalli (1820–1855)
Massacres & Trophies
Trophies & curiosities
The bone collectors
Remains of Naungarrika arrive home
Genocidal racism still exists
Mixed Media
Ceremony and March Videos
Canberra ceremonies and marches
'A Coloured History' Big Ideas Video
The corrosion of truth: Flanagan
Audio: First Nations fight back
Massacres during the European Invasion - Images
Freedom Fights and Warriors
Frontier Wars Images
Prisoners of Frontier Wars
Australia's forgotten war
Conspiracy of silence
Tasmania's Black War
Blood on the Wattle
Frontier History Revisited
Out of the Silence
The Black Resistance
Deaths in the frontier wars do matter
Gallipoli to Coniston Seminar
The war waged against First Peoples
'Flying Foam Massacre' WA
Trackers left behind in Boer War
Jandamarra - The Play
Canberra 2016
Closing the Homelands
Homelands explained
Central Articles
Closing Homelands for mining
Vital for ecosystems
Terra nullius never went away
Barnett's plan to axe homelands for years
Fed Gov't $100 million deal with states
Mining: $10,000 job sweeteners
Abbott rejects international law
Barnett's War on Health
Anatomy of Racism in 2015
Food supply autonomy needed
Freedom Summit: WFD Media Release
Funding: Confusing-fractured-racist
It's OK to discriminate
The demise of Coonana community
Sovereign Union Articles
SOS Letter to United Nations
Abbott Rejects UN slur
Australia is committing genocide
Call for global action
May Day: Maintain our outrage
Paying rates on homelands
Removals - Ethnic cleansing
Reports by State & Territory
Grandmothers Against Removals
Matargarup refugee camp reprieve
Refugee Camp reclaimed 2015
Taking back our power
Barnett threatens Homelands
Barnett: Domestic violence farce
Barnett: cat & mouse
Cuts puts lives at risk
Evidence call: sex abuse claim
Help Prevent the crisis
Neglect in remote communities
People in limbo over closures
The cost of closing communities
Coonana - Goldfields WA
Coonana: Slow and painful death
Oombulgurri - Kimberley WA
Barnett seeking evidence
Gillards Oombulgurri history
Shutting down Homelands
Video from the community themselves
Swan Valley - Lockridge WA
Gov't bulldozers Community
Hunted onto the streets
Petition: re-open Swan Valley
Racist gov't stalks community
Rally plan against demolition
Reclaiming Homelands
Native title cannot stop fracking
APY Homelands hurdles
Cuts signal destruction
Watarru community: Closed
NT leaders suspect closures
NT: One off payment offer
Video - Images - Audio
Homelands Various
Police attack Refugee Camp
Homelands explained
Video - News Reports
NT Intervention - Various
Videos NT Intervention
Canberra Rally 5/2015
Canberra Rally 3/2015
March '15: shut down Melbourne
Call for action1 March '15
Ceremonial Walk for Freedom
Info Pre-Rally - 1 May
Media Reports
Homeland Closures
'Recognition' Constitution
'Recognition': Q and A
Articles & Assessments
Recognition won't remove racism
Recognition forced upon us
Protests and Marches
Gathering reignites recognition debate
Opposing 'Recognition' debate
Recognition won't remove racism
Reconciliation & History Wars
Petition: Referendum Council meetings
Sovereign Union Articles
Constitutional Reform fraud
Decolonise or Recognition
Finding solidarity in the resistance
Silence on Recognition?
Video - Images - Audio
Protest against at Kirribilli
Complaint: Referendum Council meetings
Sydney 'Recognition meeting' farce
Nuclear Waste Dumps
South Australia
Nuclear Waste Dr Jim Green
Muckaty Waste Dump
Who's dump, who's against it?
Questions & Answers
Date set for trial
Trial Reports
Day 1 - 2 June 2014
Day 2 - 3 June 2014
Day 3 - 4 June 2014
Day 4 - 5 June 2014
Day 6 – 9 June 2014
Day 8 – 11 June 2014
Waste Dump Scrapped
Multi Media
After Trial
Trial Video's
Muckaty Voices
Audio - Sound Files
Trial Audio
Pre-trial Audio Files
Trial Week 1
Trial Week 2
Press Reports
Muckaty must remain vigilant
Muckaty Mob Win Battle - Chris Graham
Full Report on Scrapping of Dump
Agreement based on few NLC notes
Dump would ‘dispossess’ landowners
Landowner threatened by land council
Compensation no 'bucket of money'
Muckaty waste dump trial begins
Muckaty could still house Nuclear Dump
Environmentalist takes Mundine to task
Why Australia shouldn't become dump
Fight to get back ancestors
Waste Dumps General
Key Topics & Issues
NT Detention Hearings
NT Intervention
Government - Human Rights
Govt disregards for human rights
Macklin ignores evaluations
PM snubs First Nations
Intervention 10 year extension
UN: not enough participation
Community lease snub
Articles & Features
NTI Homelands repression
10 years of NT Intervention
A war on democracy
Groundwork for another apology
Kalkaringi, Daguragu & Lajamanu
Leader calls for lease rejection
Money-management is racist
Stronger Futures Petition
Rebuilding from ground up
get out: Ampilatwatja
When will they be heard?
Sovereign Embassies
All Embassies - Map
Canberra Tent Embassy
Tent Embassy - Home
40th Embassy - fact v fiction
Behind the media beat-up
Son honours Bertie Williams
Perth Sovereign Embassies
Nyoongar Sovereigns - Home
Djurin Nyoongar Swan River Treaty
Lockridge Sovereigns - Home
Deep into racism eyes
Story to date 3/3/12
Barristers stand for Nyoongars
Challenge to native title deal
Intimidation: Plea to parliament
Nyoongar ongoing suppression
Refugee camp: 24h reprieve
WA Police attack Refugee Camp
Portland Sovereign Embassy
Portland Embassy Home Page
Council dismantles Portland Embassy
Council's hands tied
Portland Embassy - 100 days
Brisbane Sovereign Embassy
Brisbane Embassy - Home
What is Brisbane Embassy?
2013 content
sacred fire distinguished - arrests
Testing the DOGIT claim
Warriors found 'Not Guilty'
2012 content
New Stolen Generation rally
Police arrest sovereigns
Politically motivated eviction
Brisbane - Eviction notice
Brisbane Embassy meets CMC
Brisbane conference 2012
Charges dropped but ...
Council meets Elders
Embassy arrestees protest
Embassy midnight raid
Embassy to be shut down
Fire destroys Embassy
Musgrave heritage listing
Sovereigns charges dropped
Moree Sovereign Embassy
Moree Embassy - Home
Goomeroi Sovereign Embassy
Gomeroi rental strike
Strong links to land - Article
Gomeroi sovereignty title
Goomeroi Embassy Fire
Not paying rent silly: Munro
Toomelah wants sovereignty
Broome Tent Embassty
Walmadan Embassy - Home
Elder takes case to court
Conspiracy of deceit
Former SAS protect hub
Joseph Rowe environment award
Protester arrested August
SAS at gas hub
Woomera Sovereign Embassy
Woomera Sovereigns - Home
Woomera Sovereing Website
Airds Sovereign Embassy
Gugada Sovereign Embassy
Tent Embassy in Airds, Campbelltown
Call for Embassy tolerance
Embassy Articles & Media
Embassies & Police Brutality
Embassy at Menindee NSW
Forget courts, turn to tents
Tent Embassies Appearing
'RiseUp' Agenda - June 2017
Toomelah Gathering 2012
Land, Sea & Water
Northern Murray Darling Basin
Indigenous: not consulted
NBAN Media Release November 2016
Sovereignty claimed 2012
Water Treaty Talks: Murray-Darling Basin Nations
Mining Country
Olympic Dam - SA
Olympic Dam Extension Protest
400 at Liberation Front
Abuse requires deperate actions
Grandmother at Gates of Hell
Police harassing protesters
Thirteen protesters arrested
Videos & Image Gallery
'Stolen Heritage Generation' in WA
Rinehart to frack in NT
Gillard selling uranium
Gomeroi ceremonies at a standstill!
Gorge sold for $3 a hectare
Gov't in frenzy to dump on 'Country'
Governments fail to protect Burup treasures
Adnyamathanha people of the rocks
Ancient approach to global emissions
Danger: Developing the North
First Nations Land Management
Historical sites in NSW
Clark and Mansell: trading beef
David Suzuki: Aboriginals best bet
Dingoes may save wildlife
Fires support mammals - research
First Nations had villages and farmed
Homelands vital for fragile ecosystems
Hunter gatherers Myth - Bruce Pascoe
Kangaroos win after hunt with fire
Race to protect ancient rock art
Kakadu Park 40th Anniversary
Land rights and the government
Aboriginal Heritage Protection Case
Corporate Welfare over Native Title
Fitzroy River Declaration
Land Rights: Not moved to NT
Plan to undermine Land Rights
Native 'wild' rice in Australia
Native Title amendments slammed
Ngoongar Grower group using Native Youlks
WA Aboriginal Heritage Act overview
Sovereign Neighbours
West Papua - Freedom Flotilla
Articles - Free West Papua Movement
PNG: West Papua flag-raising arrests
Biak Massacre Tribunal finds killing & rapnig
October 2013
WP tragedy mocked by Abbott
Donations required for office
Academic tells of consulate threats
Activists at consulate in Bali
Asylum seekers dumped in refugee camp
Crossbench support for West Papuans
September 2013
Emergency Protest of Illegal Deportation
FF activists a test for Abbott government
West Papuans Deported to Port Moresby
Six West Papuan's flee after ceremony
Freedom Flotilla claims success
Sacred water and fire celebrated
Ceremony completed in secret
Military buildup in destination port
Men released: Treason charges pending
Julie Bishop incites military action
Threats to turn back boat
Four arrested at FF Welcoming
Time for human rights in Papua
August 2013
West Papuans take to streets
Solidarity Action in Melbourne
Indigenous elders protest threats
SU: Safe passage for Flotilla
Tent Embassy: Indonesia plea
First Nations 'sovereign authority'
Tent Embassy calls for sanctions
Aboriginal Passports Grant Authority
Four arrested at safe passage prayers
Media Files
Audio: Free West Papua/Freedom Flotilla
Video Gallery - Freedom Flotilla
Atooi Unification Ceremony
Atooi now has jurisdiction
Australia & Fiji union
Canada Day: Time of Mourning
Canada First Nations alliance
Canada: Commercial fishing rights
India: Ruling against mining co
Indigenous rights struggle
North American Indians seek Sovereignty
Statue honors US freedom fighters
The Creation of one world gov't
Vanuatu: Pacific custom land tenure
Arizona tribal law system
Canada: Tsilhqot'in peoples win ruling
Embassy meets Indonesians
Grandmothers: worst ever stealing
Ibans acquired native customary rights
Maori did not cede sovereignty
UN: Canadian Aboriginals in crisis
The Invasion
Matthew Flinders Orders
Captain Cook the crook
Cooke's Secret Instructions
First Nations lore takes on BHP
Henry Meyrick Letters
A day of sadness
2013 - Invasion Day
Brisbane calls for sovereignty
A Day of Sadness
Day of Mourning - 1938
Last Day of Freedom
National day of shame
Australia Day time for mourning
Health and Social Issues
Suicides & Depression
Suicides just happened?
Nothing will be done about the suicides
First Nations suicide rates
Gov't not listening - People die
77 suicides in SA alone
996 deaths by suicide
Hundreds will suicide if we wait
Suicides: 'A humanitarian crisis'
Suicide is humanitarian crisis
Suicide epidemic worldwide
Noongar x3 suicide rate
Falsely arrested & drugged
Cashless Welfare Card
'Healthy' Cashless Welfare Card?
Racist Work for Dole penalties
Family breakdowns causing repeats
General Health Issues
APY keeps traditional medicine alive
Hepatitis C rising
Trachoma blinding Aboriginal children
Government Policies
Youth suicide at crisis point
Negatively framing policies
A little boy who hid under the bed
Defend and Extend Medicare
Call for help results in children stolen?
Doctors in communities in WA reduced
Children and human rights
Our children more likely to be removed
Justice? wake up WA
Need for Bilingual schools
Racism Effects
Australia has a race relations problem
Racism makes me sick
Widespread racism in health care
Medical experiments on children
Rosie Fulton
Freed after 21 months in jail
Rosie still languishing in prison
Rosie: Jailing intellectually impaired
Work-for-the-Dole Unhealthy
Youth lost in prisons: Amnesty
Gross Abuse
Genocide and apartheid
No law against genocide
The nuclear wars waged against First Nations people in Australia
'Doctrine of Discovery' misused
Government's black soldiers agenda
Lodge evidence here
Aboriginal children deaths
'Catching up' Sept-2014: Ray Jackson
How the Murdoch press keeps Australia’s dirty secret
States & Territories
Briscoe's death - Coroner
Quality of life: 122nd
Sex abuse evidence against Henderson
Abolition of suspended sentencing in Victoria
Qld 13yo died in State care
Nyoongar Embassy March 2012
Nyoongar ongoing suppression
Police horse charges baby
Prisoner funeral plan
Kings Cross April '12
Call: police citizens review
NSW police 'too deadly'!
Police Brutality Rally
Protesters investigation call
Sydney Shooting - Video's
Police to stand trial over bashing
Aboriginal children suicide shame
How many more suicides will it take?
Elders launch a campaign against suicide
Youth suicide at crisis levels
Suicide epidemic in Kimberley
WA mourns lost children
Macklin's genocide denial
Suicides grips community
'Close the Gap' policy failed
Imprisonment & Deaths
Deaths in Custody
Death of Douglas Scott unresolved
Palm Island Fiasco
Wotton family launches class action
Peter Clarke's death
Inquest: Mr Briscoe death
Arthur Murray's fight
Ducking NT death in custody
Groundwork for 2nd apology
NSW police 'right to silence'
Rally call: Ray Jackson
Eddie Murray: Back where it all began
Prison Rates - 2012
Lessons to be learnt: custody deaths
Our children highest detention
Women jail surge
Mental health services inadequate
NSW Bar: new prison approach
Why are kids in detentiom?
Youth in WA detention impaired
Funding cuts to legal service
Grandma in custody over parking fine
Criminal justice system is biased
Justice reinvestment saves costs
UN told: Deaths in Custody increase
Victims of Modern Vigilantism
WA - addressing the crime itself
Youth invisible in Interim Report
International Critisism
Amnesty 2011 Annual Report
Native Americans Amnesty laws
Skulls return to Tasmania
Tasmania's Black War
Won't celebrate court decision
More Gov't Abuses
Corporate Prisons & Staffing
Jail rates are soaring
Prison Corporates getting fat
Stolen Generation
I was stolen from my mother
Cootamundra Girls Home
Child Protection Accused Repeating Sins
Cultural Genocide Through Forced Removals
Decision dismisses compensation
Jazz Singer finds stolen family
Shocking claims of abuse at mission
Work for Dole not working
Clean water, sanitation & hygiene
Slavery and Stolen Wages
WA under fire over stolen wages compensation
New fight for stolen wages
Stolen Wages contribute to poverty
WA Pastoral workers seek compo
Income Management & Rations
Indue Card social & economic harm
'Agent Orange' Kimberley deaths
Smallpox: Biological warfare in 1789
Reforms 'Cruel, Harsh & Inhumane'
Mining and Destruction
'Lost World' at Bathurst Heads
Court findings: Forrest divided community
Racism Game in Australia
27% say it's OK to be racist
Abbott backs out of Racism changed
Genocide by Apartheid Australia
How Bolt should be punished
Racial discrimination in Australia
Racism Media
Australian media fails Aboriginals
Racism driver for ill health
Racism is a health issue
Racism worse than Sth Africa
Reform: Just Ask Black Australia
Unpacking White Privilege
Welcome to Dja Dja Wurrung Country
White Australian National Anthem
Greg Norman ostracised
Media & Resources
SU AudioBoo Library
Audio Files - Podcasts
Sovereignty Conference 2012
Stonger Futures petition
GMA - Sydney Uni 2014
Ghillar Anderson 2XX Radio interview
Prof Gracelyn Smallwood Audio
Racist Australia Illustrated
Multiple Image Galleries
Lizards Revenge Videos
Toomelah Gathering Vids
Maori Sovereignty - Videos
Anzac Day Videos
'Gathering of Nations' 2015 - Video Set
MP responds: Abbott Australia unsettled
National Convention grassroots complaints
Videos: Canberra SOS Rally
Wong-goo-tt-oo elder spiritual songs
Letters & submissions
Ethnocide letter to UN
Letter to Embassies re CERD commitment
Urgent letter to UN Ambassadors, New York
Download Library
Other Documents
Sovereign Union Act
UN Resolution 2625
PI Protection Act, 1875
Study on Indigenous Treaties etc
The making of a slave
UN: Decolonization 2010
UN: Trust & Territories 1945-99
Aboriginal Population distribution
Western Australia Proclamation
Research Resources
Activism and Politics
Town based eserves in danger
For the record: Sovereignty Never Ceded
Freedom Fighters memorial call
Anthony Fernando 1864–1949
Fernando's Ghost - Transcript
Historic Videos and Images
Australia’s dirty secret
Deebing Creek development
Pilbara pastoral strike
Pro-Black Isn't Anti-White
Truth Telling Uluru Statement
UN slams anti-protest laws
Whitlam: Legacy of Wave Hill
Winyirin Bin Bin, Pilbara Strike
Abbott's sees society as a market
UNDRIP serious revision
Political Donations to the Liberal Party 2013 - 2014
Audio: Free West Papua/Freedom Flotilla
Free West Papua Movement Menu
Articles - Free West Papua Movement
PNG: West Papua flag-raising arrests
Biak Massacre Tribunal finds killing & rapnig
October 2013
WP tragedy mocked by Abbott
Donations required for office
Academic tells of consulate threats
Activists at consulate in Bali
Asylum seekers dumped in refugee camp
Crossbench support for West Papuans
September 2013
Emergency Protest of Illegal Deportation
FF activists a test for Abbott government
West Papuans Deported to Port Moresby
Six West Papuan's flee after ceremony
Freedom Flotilla claims success
Sacred water and fire celebrated
Ceremony completed in secret
Military buildup in destination port
Men released: Treason charges pending
Julie Bishop incites military action
Threats to turn back boat
Four arrested at FF Welcoming
Time for human rights in Papua
August 2013
West Papuans take to streets
Solidarity Action in Melbourne
Indigenous elders protest threats
SU: Safe passage for Flotilla
Tent Embassy: Indonesia plea
First Nations 'sovereign authority'
Tent Embassy calls for sanctions
Aboriginal Passports Grant Authority
Four arrested at safe passage prayers
Media Files
Audio: Free West Papua/Freedom Flotilla
Video Gallery - Freedom Flotilla
listen to ‘West Papuan activists leave Australian consulate in Bali 'voluntarily' after scaling wall’ on Audioboo