
About Sovereign Union and our Organisational Structure

Sovereign Union Flag
The Sovereign Union flag depicts the Law of the Land and the Peoples, and also the Union organisational structure.
The Law of the Land and the Peoples. The four outer circles represent: 1. Law; 2. Ceremony; 3. Family; 4. the Creation/Mother Nature. The central circle represents Country/Land. The connecting lines represent our continuing practice of our Law through the four elements which create cultural obligations. These acts contribute to our connection, not just to the elements identified but to the whole of the universe through our ancient Stories, Songlines and Storyplaces of the pre-existing world and the hereafter. This makes us, the earth and the universe an indissoluble One. Our Law, which is the Law of the Land is the Law which gives us our absolute authority to assert our Unilateral Declarations of Independence (UDI) as pre-existing and continuing sovereign independent Nations and People
The 'organisational structure' represents the four ways of the Law from North, South, East and West (outer circles) with the Nations in each of these 'Laws' delegating representatives (lines) to meet at a location (centre circle) to make democratic decisions on national and international representation (see graph) and/or other matters, as decided by the member Nations.

Sovereign Union Organisational Structure

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This is the official website of the Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia.

The Sovereign Union was first formed at a meeting on 12-14 June 1999 on Mt Kaputar, near Narrabri, NSW. A delegation was sent to Geneva to the UN Working Group of the Commission on Human Rights to take our sovereign voices to the international community.

The Sovereign Union was further formalised with a Foundation Meeting of the 'Sovereign Union – interim Unity Government' at the Kuradji Tent Embassy, near Wollongong, New South Wales on May 25 2012.

As First Nations Peoples it is now imperative that we unite and rebuild as sovereign independent nations, in order to assert our sovereign title and rights throughout Australia. This will be a major political and legal fight, but it is our future for not just us, but for our children and our grandchildren.

You can discover where we have been in the past 40 years in respect of our struggle for land rights, sovereignty, restitution and compensation, and what has been said and acted upon by the governments. - Read: - Where we are coming from, moving into a new and exciting future

If you wish to do more research on Aboriginal issues and abuse - See: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders History Resource Links

As sovereign independent nations continue to unite, you can help by undertaking one of the the most important jobs of all; spreading the word far and wide so all sovereign peoples have the opportunity to be involved in this movement.

The Sovereign Union governance is made up of two nominated representatives from each Nation that has made their Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI). These representatives come together once a year to discuss all relevant political, legal, cultural, economic and social issues that confront them.

The national Gathering of Nations is to bring together in unity each Nation in order to:
1. identify problems
2. collectively locate solutions
3. promote national campaigns when required
4. work with other Nations by advising them on strategies and methodologies to achieve their inalienable right to govern themselves and be self-determining in accordance with international law.

Through this process we bring our Law to the top because as the High Court of Australia affirms in Mabo (No. 2) Aboriginal proprietary rights survived British sovereignty; Aboriginal Law and customs burdens Crown title; British law/Australian law did NOT gain beneficial radical land title. In all, Aboriginal Law remains the Law of the Land, as the Australian Commonwealth, State and Territory governments have territorial rights only, through their dominance in numbers, police and military. The Australian common law now recognises and incorporates Aboriginal Law and customs into their common law jurisdiction. The High Court of Australia made it very clear that Aboriginal Law does not come from the Australian common law, but is a construct of the ancient Law of the Land, which is sui generis unique to the world.

The Sovereign Union is laboured with the task of having to educate our Peoples throughout Australia to understand the full extent of their rights and to understand how their sovereignty is maintained and can be exercised.

The Sovereign Union is not an incorporated body in any jurisdiction. To date we no not have any registered political administrative operations as we work with volunteers and other professionals who volunteer their advice and expertise.

The Sovereign Union works off donations from supporters and we do not have a bank account in any jurisdiction but have volunteer organisations auspicing any donations. All delegates and other supporters who attend our gatherings and/or meetings do so at their own cost.

Returning the Flag of Colonialism to the Queen at Buckingham Palace in 1999

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, was tasked with returning the evil in the Australian/British 'Predator' flag - the Union Jack - through a sacred ceremony, which he carried from Euahlayi and other Nations, to the Gates of Buckingham Palace, where after conducting the Ceremony and Song placed the flag on a ceremonial spear and hurled it over the gates of Buckingham Palace and into its forecourt. This action permitted the rightway to build the momentum for the current Sovereignty Movement.

The Sovereign Union has no ties with any government statutory body or other Crown institutions, in any form whatsoever.

The Sovereign Union has, however, accepted the status as an NGO within the United Nations, in order to present our case to international treaty bodies and thereby gaining the necessary international recognition of our plight within this colonial federated State, as well as maintaining diplomatic access to liberated former British colonial countries.


You can contact Michael Anderson, Coordinator of the interim National Unity Government of the 'Sovereign Union' if you have any inquiries.

Your Support

You can further demonstrate your interest to this movement by making a donation to this self funded movement.

Contact: Michael Anderson, 02 68296355 landline, 04272 92 492 mobile, or use the Sovereign Union Contact Form
Page Updated in April 2015