
Media Releases

Uniting Understanding: Digging deep to the source and denial of contested sovereignties

Uniting Understanding

We have come to a point where governments and ourselves know that First Nations Peoples continue to be sovereign and independent. Our inherent rights can no longer be denied and if we fail to understand our position, then we are destined to be beggars in our own Country.

This article aims to dig deep so that we begin to understand the motives for this total disrespect for Owners/Traditional Owners and Senior Lawmen. [node:read-more:link]

Deceptive trickery of Native Title processes

Deceptive trickery of Native Title processes

A crime against our humanity is the way the Native Title process has been manipulated to further dispossess First Nations. Parliamentary legislation and 'Native Title specialist lawyers' are in lockstep with the colonial power to rob Aboriginal people of their inherent rights and responsibilities to uphold the oldest continuing living culture on the planet. Here on this island continent, now known as Australia, those wielding colonial power continue to promote Native Title in positive terms, well aided by the mainstream media, but the reality is a treacherous story of theft by trickery. [node:read-more:link]

Makarrata v Treaties

Makarrata v Treaty

The most strategic move for First Nations, at this time of an imploding Commonwealth government wracked by illegal parliamentarians who hold dual citizenship in breach of the Constitution, is to rise up and rebuild the governance, independence, cultural and economic development of one's own Nation and then for our First Nations to treaty with each other first, just as the Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) have done, demonstrating a way forward. The more First Nations treaty amongst themselves, the more the writing is on the wall for the colonial government ruling in right of the British Crown. [node:read-more:link]

Native Title Act - a perfect chapter for the Art of War

Recently there has recently been a lot of social media chatter in the Eastern States about the pros and cons of Native Title that has created a lot of angst for many people. It is difficult to get the message across to our people in respect to Native Title, because Native Title in itself is a relatively new, very complex and difficult concept to understand, let alone master. The recent case in WA, involving Twiggy Forrest's Fortescue Metals Solomon Mine in the Pilbara, is a classic example of uncertainty for the colonialists and the fact that the Australian government, through the Native Title Act, has literally failed in its efforts to create certainty for the colonial land grabbers. [node:read-more:link]

A Statement from the Bush: 'Songlines can bring us Home'

A Statement from the Bush 'Songlines can bring us Home'

Ghillar, Michael Anderson provides an insight into a viable pathway going forward:
At the Referendum Council's National Convention, the line was drawn in the sand. There are no objections to those who want to be absorbed into our oppressor's society. For us who seek to stand and fight, then we must set our sights on looking at the details of how we develop ourselves as self-determining Nations and Peoples, being guided by international legal norms, whilst living next door to our oppressor. [node:read-more:link]

Five attempts on my life, character assassination, to push government agendas

Unfortunately a Facebook administrator and a handful of people are using a standard strategy to divide and conquer. This is in opposition to the purpose of the Aboriginal Embassy, which is to unite our people through a common cause. There are a few who are using this platform to pursue the agenda to character assassinate me personally, and to discredit the core purpose of the Sovereign Union. - - Ghillar, Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union Convenor, counters the most recent defaming detractors ...      [node:read-more:link]

Truth always prevails

It appears that the forces in opposition to the Sovereign Union are providing information to detractors, who choose to make a mockery of our liberation movement to free ourselves from the tyranny and subjugation by the colonialists representing the Crown of Britain. Assimilation into the Constitution from Britain will only serve to undermine our sovereign status and thereby provide the Commonwealth of Australia government with a constitutional head of power that would take away all of our cultural, spiritual, human rights, not to mention sealing the deal of the theft of our lands, waters and natural resources. [node:read-more:link]

Perfecting Trickery: The Referendum Council

That word treaty

On his return from Uluru, Ghillar, Michael Anderson details the rigged processes of the Referendum Council's National Convention and the subsequent media: 'I was absolutely shocked and horrified at the disjointed discussion that occurred on ABC TV Q&A last night ( 29 May 2017). In my opinion the conclusions that occurred at the Referendum Council's National Convention at Yulara, Ayers Rock Resort, were totally betrayed by the Q&A panel. Having been permitted to sit as an observer in the main National Convention at Yulara near Uluru, I was privy to observe the proceedings and I sat through the 'Synthesis' of the Regional Dialogues and what they called the breakout workshops as well, where the key topics were 'The Voice', 'Treaty', 'Strategy'. [node:read-more:link]


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