

Sovereignty Proclamation (with Introduction & Video Readings)


The Sovereign Union is providing information and details of rights that we have as sovereign Nations and Peoples, whose Law and culture have never been usurped and this is also held in the law of the colonisers after the High Court Mabo.(No. 2) decision. The recent Sovereign Union Proclamation: First Nations' Sovereignty dated 26 January 2017 is a clear statement of the foundation of our inherent rights in law. All Nations and Peoples are potentially self-determining and independent. Each Nation fights their own fight their way for their purposes. [node:read-more:link]

SU Request for Governor-General to accept a 'Declaration' and 'Proclamation' 26 January

Government House

In a letter forwarded to the Governor-general Ghillar, Michael Anderson, urged the Governor-general to be cognisant of Australia's illegal status as a Nation State.
Ghillar stated: "The fraud that us being perpetrated against First Nations Peoples continues unabated and it is now time for all the colonial authorities to understand and accept their limitations. They must now stop continually imposing their illegitimate notions upon us. These impositions continue to try and steal our patrimony which we have, and never will give up ... [node:read-more:link]

Invasion Day Callout: Canberra, 26 January 2017

Invasion Day Canberra Aboriginal Tent Embassy

Meet the Sovereign Union mob at the Aboriginal Embassy and march with us to Government House to deliver a Proclamation and another First Nation Declaration of Independence to the Governor-General.

  • The Proclamation will focus on usurpation as genocide, which continues to this very day, only this time they call it Native Title and Recognise.
  • The Declaration will declare the falsehood of the British claim of ownership over this continent.

Bennelong and Yemmerrawanyea singing in England

Bennelong and Yemmerrawanyea

In a townhouse in London's Mayfair, near Berkeley Square, two Aboriginal men sing in their own language 'in praise of their lovers'. Their voices rise above the repetitive beat of the two hardwood sticks they clap together to maintain the rhythm. They wear fashionable Regency breeches, buckled shoes, ruffled shirts and waistcoats. The year is 1793 and the singers are Bennelong and Yemmerrawanne, far from their Wangal homeland on the south bank of the Parramatta River in Sydney. This was certainly the first time an Aboriginal song was performed in Europe ... [node:read-more:link]

London Statement of Common Purpose - Reparations & Decolonisation (ICPF)

International Consultative Preparatory Forum, London meeting working group

The London Statement of Common Purpose arising from a momentous event, which continues in the best Black radical traditions in our Peoples making of world history. This International Consultative Preparatory Forum was initiated by the First Nations 'Spearhead Pacific Alliance' on Decolonisation and Reparations in alliance of Tribal Chiefs, Rulers, Lawmen and Law women and includes the Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples; the Union of British Columbian Chiefs who are non-Treaty Nations; and colonized Pacific Nations, including the Fiji Native Government-in-Exile. [node:read-more:link]

Elijah Doughty and Trayvon Martin: Victims of Modern Vigilantism

In 2012, a self-appointed neighborhood watch member, chased a 17yo African American boy in Florida, and shot him. Last week, a 55-year-old man chased a 14yo Elijah Doughty ran him down with his truck. In USA the court failed to hold the perpetrator accountable, giving rise to the #BlackLivesMatter movement. In each case, a vigilante suspected a young person of colour of wrongdoing and killed him. In each case, the killer executed summary justice. [node:read-more:link]

Overcoming oppressors' absolute brutality targeting our children

Adam Giles Don Dale Detention

Aboriginal Australia is not fully aware of the psychological warfare perpetrated against us and it's very clear that the current dilemmas facing Aboriginal people in Australia today stems from the fact that we are under attack by a colonial regime determined to beat us into the submission of assimilation. We should never forget that the original assault by the British in 1788 was altered by Governor Phillip from one of conciliating the 'affections of the Natives' to that of infusing 'an universal terror' causing them to submit through fear, as opposed to reconciling cultural differences through negotiation. [node:read-more:link]

An historic handful of dirt: Whitlam and the legacy of the Wave Hill Walk-Off

Wave Hill 2016

Fifty years ago , on the morning of August 23, 1966, Vincent Lingiari led a walk-off of 200 Gurindji, Mudburra and Warlpiri workers and their families from a remote Northern Territory cattle station, escaping a century of servitude . The families rejected the pleas of their British multinational employer Vestey’s to return to the Wave Hill station, re-occupied an area of their own land at Wattie Creek, and fought until the nation’s leaders heeded their cause. Nine years later, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam symbolically returned the Gurindji’s country with a handful of red dirt. [node:read-more:link]


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