Ghillar Michael Anderson 20 May 2016
As the founder and convenor of the Sovereign Union I am releasing a lengthy brief dated 31 March 2016 to the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, because I do not believe Australia is worthy of a seat on such an important international commission.
In the context of the forthcoming elections it is important for First Peoples to raise some very serious issues. The allocation of $15 million on top of the already generous budget for the Recognise campaign, while ignoring grass roots opposition, is only a pathetic and condescending approach to something that may not get up as a successful referendum vote. There is still no final wording for the text of a constitutional referendum and today's ABC news from the Vote Compass that 75% of mainstream Australians support Aboriginal inclusion in the constitution is at odds with the opposition from grassroots First Peoples who are demanding Treaties rather than tokenistic words in the Racist constitution, which defines us as 'aliens' not citizens.
Additionally, there is evidence that the Commonwealth is coercing Aboriginal organisations to support the Recognise campaign, otherwise their funding is cut.
Furthermore, the Captain's Pick to have Pat Dodson made a senator for three weeks is an absolute insult to many Aboriginal people and to then parade him around like the British did with Bennelong is all designed to pretend to the world that the Australian government loves Aboriginal people.
In regards to this, grassroots have another interpretation for the acronym for Indigenous Land Use Agreements - ILUAs - that coercively surrender inherited homelands without a whimper, it is 'I Love You Aborigines!'.
This is happening while the state and federal police throughout the country continue to exercise absolute force and thereby continue the instilling of terror into our people. This is not shown by mainstream media and the politicians. What then is the bipartisan agenda?
It is of course not publicly stated that both the Commonwealth government and the Labor opposition are taking this opportunity to falsely pretend to the rest of the world that Australia has a good little government despite still having to use their 'training wheels', because the mother state England has not yet released the colonial shackles. The overall focus is to gain a seat on the UN Human Rights Council.
Letter dated 31 March 2016 to UN Secretary-General, Mr Ban Ki-moon