
Land Rights

Unraveling Western Australia’s corruption of Native Title processes

Unravelling Western Australia’s corruption of Native Title processes

After the Native Title Act was introduced, WA introduced 'complementary' State legislation, which was a template for corruption to rob the Peoples of their lands, waters and natural resources. The First Nations Peoples of WA became stuck with Native Title facilitating bodies, which quickly manifested a very rotten strategy, to wind back the clock so that the government could take control of all the lands from the Peoples and unjustly deprive the Peoples of all that was set aside for them and their future descendants. [node:read-more:link]

Historical Background to the NAIDOC 2019 Theme: ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’

Historical Background to the NAIDOC 2019 Theme: ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’

Our greatest fear is not whether we negotiate a Treaty, but the forcing through of the Recognition campaign for inclusion in the colonial Constitution. Ghillar, Michael Anderson, provides an historical insight into the NAIDOC 2019 theme ‘Voice, Treaty, Truth’, which reveals that each time First Nations Sovereignty rises up too powerfully it is suppressed in favour of the ‘trip wire to assimilation’. The ‘Voice’, of the NAC was shafted in 1984; the NAC ‘Treaty’ framework was dismantled and ‘Truth’ has barely been heard yet. [node:read-more:link]

Timber Creek redress precedent - The options for First Nations

The High Court hearing on the Timber Creek native title compensation case

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, Head of State of the Euahlayi Peoples Republic and convenor of Sovereign Union is proposing a number of options that First Nations might consider when seeking redress following the High Court’s decision in the Timber Creek case. The High Court recognised that Native Title claimants should be eligible for compensation for the ‘loss of rights to gain spiritual sustenance from the land’ among loss of other rights and interests’. [node:read-more:link]

'Welcome to Country!' - Our Lands of Poverty and Devaluation

We now come in all sizes and colours, but you cannot take away the spirit of our forefathers and foremothers and our absolute connection to Mother Earth. The divide and rule by colour distinction will no longer work. We are who we are, always was and always will be. However, once you welcome non-Indigenous people to Country, in their world you are opening the door and letting them in and what is your's becomes their's. Right now their only legitimacy on Country is when they are welcomed in ... One way to deflect Welcome to Country is to Acknowledge Country! [node:read-more:link]

First Nations are Water Owners, Not Stakeholders

Water is life

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, asserts that First Nations are owners of water, not just stakeholders and promotes the callout for the 'Water is Life National Gathering' in Canberra on 12 and 13 February 2019. After the massive fish kills in Menindee Lake he demonstrates with a 2019 image from Google Earth that there is still plenty of water just southwest of Menindee Lake, in the Tandou cotton farm, which had a bumper crop this year and has just planted another. This is after selling its water licence for $78 million for an environmental water buyback in 2017 and not being charged for its final year of water allocation. [node:read-more:link]

First Nations prepare legal way forward for sovereign rights

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, reporting that the Sovereign Union Gathering of Nations held at the Yarramundi Cultural Centre, Canberra, from 23 to 25 November 2018 successfully dealt with key issues facing First Nations.
Those attending came from across the continent and welcomed the opportunity to raise the problems they face and to understand ways of dealing with them, while joining the dots to understand the bigger picture of forced assimilation through fraud and deceit. [node:read-more:link]

Treaties with the occupying colonial States and the Yulara Statement

The crossroads to self-determination and assimilation

The Governments have been very clever in the last thirty years to use the disunity within our communities to withdraw funding and shut down burgeoning successful community organisations. The Governments achieved the total destruction of these organizations by the First Nations lackeys, of whom there are plenty, to shut down our hard fought for successes and now these communities have nothing. The regurgitated Constitutional Inclusion/Recognition and the Yulara Statement have been rejected by the grassroots across Australia. It's still being pushed by blacks living off blood money [node:read-more:link]

Academic Paper argues that First Nations communal allodial land title cannot be extinguished by fraud

Academic Paper argues that First Nations laws of the land still exist

Australian governments want courts, constituted overwhelmingly by non-indigenous lawyers, to decide land disputes as for feudal socage.

This article puts up an argument that Australian indigenous land title is communal allodial title, as a bundle of subsisting rights by operation of Australian Continental Common Law, which therefore cannot be extinguished by the fraud inherent in frame transformation. [node:read-more:link]


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