

Sovereign Union Submission to Senate on NTA (ILUA) Amendment

Attorney-General, Senator George Brandis

Sovereign Union's brief submission to the 'Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee', which was written in much haste, as the notice impending was extremely limited and many First Nations groups would have not only be unaware of the proposed changes, many others who were probably informed would not have had the resources to provide a written presentation, whilst others who use oral communication in their own language as their principal communication method completely obliterated from any form of action on something highly significant on matters relating to their country and culture. [node:read-more:link]

Aboriginal people feel pressured to lose values, culture to be successful, study says

Pressure to lose-values-culture

A new report suggests Aboriginal people are facing enormous pressure to lose their traditional culture in order to be successful in Australia.
"Daily I'm juggling with who I am, how I talk, how I act and look and whatever," an anonymous respondent in the study said. "So you get it from the whitefella's, you know, that you can't talk good English, and then these blackfella's: 'Why are you acting white, talking white?'" [node:read-more:link]

More on Gomeroi Native Title claim - Unite and Fight

Gomeroi - Unite and Fight

Ghillar Michael Anderson says that the conflict currently being experienced in regards to the Gomeroi Native Title claim, is not so much about the Native Title claim or Gomeroi pre-existing and continuing sovereignty, and may appear to be more about personality conflicts, but underneath is a very well disguised government ploy, with government objectives, to cancel out the strong Gomeroi leadership in respect of Gomeroi sovereign cultural and legal rights. He says some things need to be put into perspective.

Related Pages
 Absolute need to fight to assert our Sovereignty Ghillar, Michael Anderson 1 July 2016
 Letter about NTSCorp's disrespect of Gomeroi Phil Teitzel 13 July 2016
 NTSCORP and Gomeroi Native Title in Dot Point Ghillar, Michael Anderson 13 July 2016

A Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) Explained

A Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) is a formal process leading to the establishment of a fully recognized state, which declares itself an independent and sovereign pre-existing state without a formal agreement with the occupying nation state, because the two have never been together. "Many people are wanting to understand UDIs," said Ghillar Anderson, "This topic will be discussed at the upcoming Gathering of Nations on 21 -22 November 2015 in Old Parliament House, Canberra. There will be opportunities for further discussion during the surrounding days at the Aboriginal Embassy. [node:read-more:link]

Abbott rejects compliance with international law and rebuts the UN's standing

Tony Abbott, self-styled 'Prime Minister for Indigenous Australia' demonstrate the voice and opinion of a tyrant. The racist comments by him in response to First Nations opposition to being forcibly removed form their lands resonates in the most negative of ways. We all know that the WA government and Tony Abbott seek to clear the interior land mass of any and every resisting Aboriginal person, so they don't have to deal with Land Rights issues, water rights issues and environmental issues. [node:read-more:link]

Anderson claims: Independence will enable Aboriginal Nations and Peoples to hold full allodial radical title under our Law and custom

The State governments' legislation comes from a parliament that cannot establish its bone fide at English law, nor at international law, on how they acquired legal and political rights over Aboriginal Peoples' lands, waters, airspace and natural resources.

The Mabo High Court recognised Aboriginal proprietary and usufructuary rights and that Aboriginal title survived British sovereignty. Consequently, the High Court accepts in law that Aboriginal title burdens Crown title. Clearly the law in Australia, by this decision, gives us and recognises our title to lands, waters, airspace and natural resources, not as an idealistic notion, but rather a fact in law. [node:read-more:link]

Anderson: Cuts to Aboriginal Legal Aid budget deny natural justice and rights of appeal

The recent cuts by the Commonwealth government to the Aboriginal Legal Aid budget demonstrate the need for Aboriginal people to change the way they do business with governments.

These cuts to legal aid will also deny people of their natural legal right to appeal severity of sentencing and to appeal the facts presented by police, etc. There will be others who will no longer have access to the Court of Criminal Appeal from within prison. The underfunded pilot diversionary programs being introduced are no substitute for natural justice. [node:read-more:link]

Aboriginal Law must sit on top of whiteman's law, because 'our Law is the Law of this land'

Lawman Murray George (APY)

The Sovereign Union Gathering of Nations in Canberra on 23-24 November 2013 raised the bar higher for the political agenda, than at any other time in the Aboriginal struggle.

This was confirmed when senior Lawman Harry Nelson presented the Gathering of Nations with his most sacred Law symbol that he had brought from his Country, where it was united with the sacred Law symbol of the Euahlayi Nation.

As Murray George said at the beginning, Aboriginal Law must sit on top of whiteman's law, because our Law is the Law of this land. [node:read-more:link]


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