

Anderson: Finding solidarity in the core of the resistance to 'recognition' in the racist constitution.

"The time has come where we must draw the line in the sand to use Arabunna Elder, Kevin Buzzacott 's statement: 'The Black Line is drawn', in respect to the issue of constitutional reform and recognition. The intent of genocide in its rawest form. We will be finished as a distinct race of people, approved of by the selected few chosen First Nations people. This is wrong and absolutely unjust!. If we are going to be wiped out through assimilation, then we must stand and fight by whatever means possible. [node:read-more:link]

The government is asking you to blindly vote for changes in a referendum, without even clarifying the final wording

With millions of dollars being spent on the Recognise campaign, many First Nations people are asking: Who they are trying to convince – non-Aboriginal people or Aboriginal people? The real hidden agenda is to coerce Aboriginal Nations and Peoples to become part of the Australian Constitution and by doing so consent to be governed. The Commonwealth government can then claim that Aboriginal Nations and Peoples have acquiesced. This is the main weapon the Crown has to counter our sovereignty movement. [node:read-more:link]

Minister's plan for First Nations People is a trap to counter the Sovereignty Movement

We must warn our people that the government's seemingly benign 'work for the dole' community planting program has a deceitful intent.

Minister Greg Hunt and PM Tony Abbott may claim that their Direct Action plan for Indigenous people has unintended consequences, but from a First Nations perspective Hunt's plan is an evil act, designed with intent to cheat Aboriginal people of their inherent rights as pre-existing and continuing sovereign Peoples. [node:read-more:link]

Governments are attempting to steal our original sovereign citizenship and independence

Governments are attempting to steal our original sovereign citizenship and independence by deceit and assimilation by Grant.
- Michael Anderson

"The Policy of Assimilation of the Aboriginal Peoples was first developed by all the Australian States and the Commonwealth Government during the Aboriginal Welfare conference in the same year as the German Final Solution decree was made in 1937 against the Jews."

General Principles of Sovereignty for non-lawyers

Sovereignty is the ultimate power, authority and/or jurisdiction over a people and a territory. No other person, group, tribe or state can tell a sovereign entity what to do with its land and/or people.

A sovereign entity can decide and administer its own laws, can determine the use of its land and can do pretty much as it pleases, free of external influence (within the limitations of international law).
By Dr Alessandro Pelizzon [node:read-more:link]

'That Word' Treaty - The Value of Historical Insights

That word treaty

Looking at the history of 'that word Treaty' in the continent known as 'Australia' - by Ghillar, Michael Anderson, 1999.

Aboriginal Nations and Peoples throughout Australia must take control of all decisions that affect our future and the destiny of our grandchildren. We must not relegate ourselves to the level of the proverbial gambler, who is not happy when he wins, but is satisfied knowing that he had won once, despite later losing it all. [node:read-more:link]

Concealing colonial strings of control

Concealing colonial strings of control

On this anniversary of 9/11 it is a good opportunity to compare spin and denial. The events of 9/11 are still being analysed, but Dr Judy Woods’ collection of photographs reveal far more than the impact of two planes flying into the Twin Towers.

Australia will never accede to any demands for a truth-telling commission relating to its historical processes of colonisation, because of the consequences that will have to be faced by England and Australia alike for their wrongdoings. [node:read-more:link]

First Nations prepare legal way forward for sovereign rights

Ghillar, Michael Anderson, reporting that the Sovereign Union Gathering of Nations held at the Yarramundi Cultural Centre, Canberra, from 23 to 25 November 2018 successfully dealt with key issues facing First Nations.

Those attending came from across the continent and welcomed the opportunity to raise the problems they face and to understand ways of dealing with them, while joining the dots to understand the bigger picture of forced assimilation through fraud and deceit. [node:read-more:link]


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