
Land Sea & Water

Native Title Act - a perfect chapter for the Art of War

Recently there has recently been a lot of social media chatter in the Eastern States about the pros and cons of Native Title that has created a lot of angst for many people. It is difficult to get the message across to our people in respect to Native Title, because Native Title in itself is a relatively new, very complex and difficult concept to understand, let alone master. The recent case in WA, involving Twiggy Forrest's Fortescue Metals Solomon Mine in the Pilbara, is a classic example of uncertainty for the colonialists and the fact that the Australian government, through the Native Title Act, has literally failed in its efforts to create certainty for the colonial land grabbers. [node:read-more:link]

Five attempts on my life, character assassination, to push government agendas

Unfortunately a Facebook administrator and a handful of people are using a standard strategy to divide and conquer. This is in opposition to the purpose of the Aboriginal Embassy, which is to unite our people through a common cause. There are a few who are using this platform to pursue the agenda to character assassinate me personally, and to discredit the core purpose of the Sovereign Union. - - Ghillar, Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union Convenor, counters the most recent defaming detractors ...      [node:read-more:link]

Truth always prevails

It appears that the forces in opposition to the Sovereign Union are providing information to detractors, who choose to make a mockery of our liberation movement to free ourselves from the tyranny and subjugation by the colonialists representing the Crown of Britain. Assimilation into the Constitution from Britain will only serve to undermine our sovereign status and thereby provide the Commonwealth of Australia government with a constitutional head of power that would take away all of our cultural, spiritual, human rights, not to mention sealing the deal of the theft of our lands, waters and natural resources. [node:read-more:link]

Native title bill to pass next week: Bipartisan support

Corporate Welfare over Aboriginal Rights and Responsibilities to Country

Labor and the government have come to a "settled position" which will deliver native title law changes through federal parliament next week. The bill, slated to be debated in the Senate on Tuesday, is aimed at resolving legal uncertainty around more than 120 indigenous land use agreements relating to major projects, including Queensland's Carmichael mine proposed by Indian resources giant Adani. The bill expected to pass parliament next week reverts the system to the pre- McGlade status quo. [node:read-more:link]

Treaty signing between First Nations of the northern Murray-Darling Basin

Treaty signing between First Nations of the northern Murray-Darling Basin

Treaty: Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) - Inter Nation Multilateral Treaty at the original site of the 1972 Embassy in Canberra, 10:00am Wednesday 10 May 2017.
23 First Nations across southern Queensland and northern, north west, upper western and western New South Wales gathered in Canberra yesterday for today's signing of a Multilateral Treaty between these First Nations, which affirms each Nation's independent sovereign status.       ... [node:read-more:link]

The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) Media Release

The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) Media Release

The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) who represents the 22 First Nations in the Northern Basin, fully support Minister Hunters call for the extra promised 450 GL of Water to be delivered to the Murray Darling Basin. "By the Prime Minister moving the water portfolio from Environment to Mr Joyce's Agriculture, is equivalent to putting Dracula and his Vampires in charge of the blood bank" one of the delegates at the meeting said. He also said that "nobody will get any blood" we need to understand that this exact scenario is playing out in the Murray Darling at the moment. [node:read-more:link]

Feedback from COP22 Climate Summit Marrakech

cop22 Morocco Climate Summit Marrakech 2016

it's important to know that the delay in countries signing the Paris Agreement was caused by both Australia and the USA threatening to walk away if other parties refused to permit various out clauses.

Notable and critical examiners of the Paris Agreement all agree that the symbolism was great for the world facing catastrophies because of climate change, especially those of the small Pacific Islands and low coast lands. [node:read-more:link]

Ancient First Nations stories preserve history of a rise in sea level

We can be almost certain that the First Nations people did occupy the coast “where the Great Barrier Reef now stands” during the last ice age for it would have comprised broad floodplains and undulating hills with a range of subsistence possibilities, bordered in most parts by steep cliffs ... then the story might date from as much as 13,000 years ago. A more conservative interpretation, based on a sea level just 30 metres lower than today, would place the age of this story at around 10,000 years ago. [node:read-more:link]


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