
Destruction of Country

Native title bill to pass next week: Bipartisan support

Corporate Welfare over Aboriginal Rights and Responsibilities to Country

Labor and the government have come to a "settled position" which will deliver native title law changes through federal parliament next week. The bill, slated to be debated in the Senate on Tuesday, is aimed at resolving legal uncertainty around more than 120 indigenous land use agreements relating to major projects, including Queensland's Carmichael mine proposed by Indian resources giant Adani. The bill expected to pass parliament next week reverts the system to the pre- McGlade status quo. [node:read-more:link]

Treaty signing between First Nations of the northern Murray-Darling Basin

Treaty signing between First Nations of the northern Murray-Darling Basin

Treaty: Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) - Inter Nation Multilateral Treaty at the original site of the 1972 Embassy in Canberra, 10:00am Wednesday 10 May 2017.
23 First Nations across southern Queensland and northern, north west, upper western and western New South Wales gathered in Canberra yesterday for today's signing of a Multilateral Treaty between these First Nations, which affirms each Nation's independent sovereign status.       ... [node:read-more:link]

The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) Media Release

The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) Media Release

The Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations (NBAN) who represents the 22 First Nations in the Northern Basin, fully support Minister Hunters call for the extra promised 450 GL of Water to be delivered to the Murray Darling Basin. "By the Prime Minister moving the water portfolio from Environment to Mr Joyce's Agriculture, is equivalent to putting Dracula and his Vampires in charge of the blood bank" one of the delegates at the meeting said. He also said that "nobody will get any blood" we need to understand that this exact scenario is playing out in the Murray Darling at the moment. [node:read-more:link]

History repeats: Ethnic cleansing in ACT 1954 and now in WA removal from homelands.

Media Release - 18 December 20143

Australian governments continually and blatantly attack the most vulnerable in our communities and argue that they are concerned for our welfare and the widening 'Gap' in terms of the disparity in our education, etc., while calling us Australian citizens.
But we know we are not Australians citizens under the Australian Constitution and never have been and this is why governments can commit the gross violations of human rights against us and think they can get away with it. [node:read-more:link]

Atomic Cloud Forms Head Of Aborigine - Maralinga 1953

Maralinga: Sixty years on, the bomb tests remind us not to put security over safety

Aboriginal people affected by Maralinga nuclear tests take peace sculpture to Japan

Natalie Whiting from ABC Radio 'AM' reported this story on Thursday, April 14 [node:read-more:link]

Police move in on protester: Native title cannot stop fracking

Micklo Corpus holds the move-on notice

An Aboriginal traditional owner from Broome has been moved on by police for blocking Buru Energy vehicles from accessing a gas fracking site. Last year 96 per cent of his people voted against the fracking program. John Howard recognised continuing First Nations sovereignty in his Ten Point Plan for limiting Native Title he introduced after the Wik decision, promising 'bucket loads of extinguishment' and that what we've got. Companies can destroy country and even though First Nations people are sovereign, they can't do anything about it, other than protesting. [node:read-more:link]


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